
Thank you again for coming to August 9th Weekly Updates meeting! I just want to ask a favor if you could answer this very quick poll to give your feedback. What did you think about the last mygotodoc Weekly Updates meeting? Pls. cast your vote below!

4 - Very strong value for time spent. The meeting was crucial to moving forward, so the investment of time was clearly worth it.


3 Votes

0 - The meeting was a complete waste of time -- no value was received. In other words, the ROI is literally zero.


0 Votes

1 - More time was wasted than value was derived. So, for instance, while 30% of the meeting time was useful, 70% was not.


0 Votes

2 - An even split (50/50) of value and time spent. In other words, "average" meeting.


0 Votes

3 - More value derived than time spent. This is above average, and one way to think of it is, "If I spent the same amount of time on my own trying to seek out the information and decisions I gained in the meeting, could I have done it?" At 3 and above, the answer is no. This is the sweet spot for high-functioning collaborative teams.


0 Votes

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