
Which Quote Should Be "Quote-of-the-Week" for the Week Started on July 12, 2021?

"Is the clam with you?"--a ranger in the laboratories of Count Hans Heinrich to a mermaid held captive there against her will, referring to a 15 foot diameter giant clam.


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"The next time we kill people in their sleep, we all go together."--Lord Tycho of Glantri upon discovering that some party members felt left out of coup de gras-ing enemies who had been subjected to a sleep spell during a combat.


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"Don't drink the brandy, don't eat the pie! Don't eat the desert, please don't die!" (sung to the tune of I-can't-sing in B flat with ukelele accompaniment)--Jukebox the Waforged Bard giving bardic inspiration to Jewell the Half-goblin who was behaving self-destructively so that she might make her saving throw against the enchantments of the Eternal Dinner Party of Doom.


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